Submission offered at Kinky Club on May 4, 2018


The month of May began at the Kinky Club with the visit of a couple who did not hesitate to cross the region to come. Very perverse, Master L wanted to offer S, his submissive to the men present and, reserving access to her penis, offered those of her welcoming mouth and her foundation.

The monthly workshop was about string restraint and DirtyVonP kicked off that moment with S.

Breast bondage, very restrictive in the sling allowing a careful inspection of her body then tying up in the main room. Master L was able to play with S in front of the public, making her cum in the position, legs spread apart by a restraint bar in which DirtyVonP had tied her, chest constrained again.

A palpable tension full of sensuality immediately invaded the room when DirtyVonP had the pleasure – finally – of tying up the beautiful Madame M under the attentive and greedy gaze of Monsieur R (the story of this experience linked here ).

A & N, accompanied by their friend M, visited us for some naughty games while Miss Calamity did her homework. Indeed, Mademoiselle had filmed in a documentary on Shibari (release coming by the end of June) and had cards to sign.

So it was with an audience of Slavs that she set about the task, signing the cards in felt-tip pen and having her staff blow to dry the ink.

D, the devotee was of course present and Mademoiselle was happy to send him upstairs to undress and get into position on the spanking bench. Escorted by Braco, a brave instrument holder, she gave a correction to D whose hands had dared to slip from her ankles to her buttocks. A spanking first, to warm D's white skin. The blows rained down while she made him state the reason for his punishment. The paddle came to take over from this tan, with claps that resounded throughout the Club. Braco, excited, became a worm, lying face down on the ground, this time serving as a step for Miss Calamity. Miss Ryouko took the photos, devilish in her Maid outfit while Mademoiselle moved on to the cane, slashing and scratching the buttocks of D who yelped with happiness and refused to apologize for his behavior because "it would have been a lie to regret having wanted to caress more than Mademoiselle’s ankles.”

Dragon's tongue came to complete the session, intense both visually for the marks left and for the various sounds of the accessories used. Mademoiselle was in good shape for her return to KinkyClub. Vicious, she passed an ice cube on the back of poor D, still tied to his bench by the ropes before signing D's buttock.

Mr. R had made a lot of purchases before coming and had a nice session with Mrs. M, to get back to her and try out her new accessories. The beauty gave herself in this sensual abandon that characterizes her.

The men present responded to the desire for plurality of S and her Master and crowded around her, spanking her, making her open her mouth for other pleasures...

Back in the room, Miss Calamity wanted to review a specific bondage and Braco offered herself as a model. He found himself constrained in the pink ropes of the latter while the Club slowly emptied. Braco wanting a little more humiliation, Mademoiselle wrote GIMP on his back in marker and, positioning herself in front of him, played his favorite game. The victim has to guess what is written, suggests letters and gets slapped for each mistake. The late schedule saved Braco, who still had time to find the I and receive a few well-felt slaps, eye to eye.

Next Friday Mademoiselle will be present, with a gift to give, a beautiful chambermaid, advice to fans…..



We take advantage of this story to announce that at the repeated request of many couples or Mistresses, men now have access to the Naughty Lunch.

Les Goûters are now open from 1 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the same price as previously. 

The Naughty Lunch is accessible to single men (selection at the entrance). The Lunch formula goes from €25/person to €10/person + entry price.