Thank you for this gift: baptism of Shibari for Ô


Hello Miss Calamity, I would like to thank you again for giving me this magnificent gift yesterday, by giving me my shibari baptism. And what a baptism! We had only seen each other once before, during my very first visit to the club last January, when you welcomed me and took me to M (making me kneel on the prie-dieu, and placing the handle of my leaves in my mouth).

I wrote the story of this session on your site .
Since that day, I have followed your work (and that of DirtyVonP) with the ropes with ever greater interest (I think I can say that I have seen all the photos and films that you have put online, on the different platforms) . This is an area for which I already had a particular curiosity even before coming to the club. But since my discovery of the pleasures of submission thanks to M, I dreamed of feeling the particular constraint linked to immobilization by the ropes.
The ropes give me the impression of giving the possibility of completely abandoning one's body to the other, of giving them all power. And it's a sensation that I dreamed of experiencing, because this idea of ​​total abandonment is deliciously dizzying for me.

Just to experience the feel of the strings, I even did a few tests on myself, laboriously following tutorials.

I had succeeded, but of course, the result in terms of sensations was zero. The essential was missing, namely the Other. Whatever I did, I retained control, there could be no giving up... So, when I understood yesterday that M was asking you this favor for me, I couldn't believe it.
And the experience still exceeded my expectations. Your obvious benevolence (and which I had already perceived during our first meeting) allowed me to instantly have absolute, total trust, something essential to completely abandon yourself. Knowing your work well, when you placed my hands near my ankles, I quickly imagined the position in which you were going to tie me up, exposing me in the most crude way.
I know you like this position, of which I have seen different variations in your recent posts.
You should know that in life I am a very shy, discreet and modest person.
M plays on these characteristics of my personality, imposing total nudity and exposure on me. So you can imagine for me the intensity of this moment in which I abandoned myself to you and to M, under the gaze of everyone (fortunately invisible to my eyes). I immediately loved your quick, dexterous, precise and firm gesture.
The controlled tension of the rope, which constrains but does not hurt. And then the progression of the constraint, this feeling of gradually losing control of one's body. It was absolutely wonderful. The experience was emotionally very strong. When you untied me, I was still in this totally relaxed state, and I suddenly felt very cold.
It took me a while before this feeling faded and I “came back to earth.” There you go, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated this wonderful gift you gave me yesterday, and thank you once again.
I wish you a very good weekend