The dictation workshop: English education and perverse scenario


It was a full house for the return of the KinkyClub and the crew was on all fronts! Miss Ryouko's absence had to be compensated for; she was unwell and was unable to return from Japan in time. Let's wish him a speedy recovery.

The principal DirtyVonP took care of the entertainment in the common room while Miss Calamity welcomed the arrivals and recorded the registrations for the dictation test. Remember that registrations on D-day were increased by 5 blows of the swift and those just at the time of dictation by a pair of bellows.

Miss Kassandra honored us with her arrival and naturally, the manual corrections of the dunces were granted to her at the end of the dictation.

This was led by Miss Calamity, assisted by Madame Olivia and CPE Philippe.

When the recess bell rang, what was the surprise of the students to see themselves summoned and lined up in two rows of onions in the middle of everyone.

Everyone was invited to introduce themselves, Miss Calamity checked that everyone had a notebook and a pen. The trouble began for Daniel. He had come empty-handed thinking that the School provided the material. Madame Olivia, superb, molded in her pencil skirt, a black veil blouse highlighting her throat, walked slowly, pencil in hand, to the bar from where she brought back, charitably, half a sheet of paper and a chewed pen . “Dunce material for a dunce”, the tone was set. Miss Calamity , in the summons sent a few days earlier, had announced the need to prepare for all baseness and injustice.

“Trousers on the ankles!” » proclaimed Philippe. Taken aback, the students complied and found themselves defrocked, facing the silent assembly. Miss Calamity had them stretch their arms out in front of them to measure the space before kneeling for dictation.

This one, an extract from The Love and Death of Hermaphrodite by Pierre Louÿs, was particularly complicated. Impossible to know if the subject was singular or plural before writing the second sentence. To the linguistic difficulties – let us point out the sequence of words “a marble hermaphrodite, ithyphallic and naked” – were added the whims of Miss Calamity who stepped on the students' fingers while Madame Olivia teased the raised rumps with her cane.

The spectacle was grandiose, 8 naked asses raised in the middle of these sheathed legs wearing high heels. The students write frantically, torn between the desire to shine and the desire to let themselves go in this return to childhood.

The girls in the audience, Choke, Poulpy and J, were involved, the denunciation and the heckling encouraged so that there was a primary school atmosphere that afternoon. The paper planes were flying, a battle of paper balls raged throughout this chaotic dictation led by the imperturbable Miss Calamity. Laughter, chatter and other “Mistress, an eraser was thrown at my head” punctuated this moment.

The correction was no easier, everyone waited for the verdict, arms crossed behind their heads and Miss Kassandra, radiant, enthroned on the padded stool, called out the dunces, asked the number of mistakes and administered solid corrections.

Some were as bad at math as they were at spelling, so the blows rained down, methodically.

Only M made the effort to learn the “Sonnet foutatif” by Claude Le Petit (and to find out about the life of this writer executed at the age of 23). He declaimed it without fail in a mocking, nasal and mocking voice until the end. Well done to him and everyone. We are very sincerely delighted and touched by the involvement and confidence of the students present today. The most beautiful scenario would have no flavor without players up to the task. THANKS !

The king cake was tasted and Choke was crowned. No one claimed the second crown, let's hope that some unfortunate person didn't swallow the bean!

The students of DirtyVonP , Mr. P accompanied by his submissive H, discovered both KinkyClub and BDSM. They embarked on a session of shibari and domination in the sling room under the eyes of the voyeurs, delighted to admire the beautiful H, blindfolded, undulating under the blows of the flogger and the dragon's tongue. She was then forced to look at them and thank each one in turn.

DirtyVonP mirrored the spectacle of LilDevil exposed and whipped.

Miss Calamity was enjoying the expert hands of her personal masseur, Daniel.

A young couple came for the first time. A was spanked by D, stripped on the spanking bench, then tied to the cross for a whipping session. Jo and Ja a lovely matching couple were also playing upstairs.

Olivia found Frimousse and played at exposing him in the baroque living room, saying crude things to him and giving him orders.

J and J arrived earlier than usual and played around the Club, mixing sex and BDSM.

F dominated F and made him suck P, tied upstairs. A nice female domination session. Miss Kassandra took care of her submissive, Kassaddict and the men present whom she made wait butt naked on the spanking bench.

Daniel, who had had the misfortune to get hard during the dictation, was laid on his back and Miss Kassandra, armed with a whip, in a golfer's position, hit his balls. He quickly disbanded.

Miss Calamity gave a stick to P who had been particularly devious in class. Spits and slaps for Kassaddict and Daniel, eye to eye.

Every Friday, the KinkyClub opens its doors at 3 p.m. and welcomes your most perverse games!