O's dictation


Back to school at Kinky Club

Madame M, who, with her benevolent authority, watches over my education, had asked me to submit to the  dictation at the Kinky Club school , under the tutelage of Miss Calamity. The assigned objective was clear: I had to achieve a flawless performance. It would be the first time that I went to the club like this without Madame.
I had prepared my supplies, and my school bag was ready… I arrived at the club quite early, well before the scheduled time of the test. I entered just after Choke, and was greeted with a smile by Miss Calamity. When I only had to give him my locker room and take out my notebook, I managed to misplace it in less than two minutes, a sign that I was more troubled than I thought... But I ended up finding it, and entrusted my wardrobe to Mademoiselle.
— You have the number 13, it might bring you luck…
I went down the stairs, and discovered an area exclusively composed of men, with the exception of Choke, chatting with DirtyVonP at the bar... I greeted the assembly with a general “hello” and sat down in an armchair. I noticed that some of the men also had notebooks.
A long period of waiting followed... I wandered around the club a bit to find that it was still deserted... I lingered on the spanking bench in the room adjoining the bar, thinking that it was very ergonomic and seemed perhaps a little more comfortable than the one upstairs. What followed showed me that the notion of comfort when you are on it remains quite relative, and only very incidentally depends on the bench itself... But I anticipate...

The wait

After a while, Mademoiselle finally came down, but she was still frequently disturbed by the door. People continued to arrive, including Daniel (who massaged her feet), and Olivia. Seeing her was a surprise, because I had never seen her since that very first time at the club.
Miss Kassandra had also arrived. I was able to attend his recent demonstration of his art of spanking, and was very impressed by his precision, his power, and his endurance which seemed unlimited.
She greeted a number of the men who had notebooks, and whom she knew. A vague worry began to rise within me...
At the bar, DirtyVonP offered Choke a little warm-up on the spanking bench (before more fun planned later, when he could actually get away from the bar). I got up to go watch the show... So he spanked her for a long time, diligently, but she seemed to find the experience far too gentle, and joked while DirtyVonP was sweating and hurting his hands...
We were joined by a few curious people, then by Miss Kassandra who asked a man to stand in front of the St Andrew's cross, pants down. She gave him a masterful spanking, which made him cry out a few times towards the end.
I returned to take my place on an armchair, near Mademoiselle, who was being massaged by Daniel. After a few minutes, she stood up, and with Olivia, and one of the men present (the one who had just been spanked, who had once considered participating in the dictation , but had apparently ultimately preferred to join forces with the mistress), They discreetly began to discuss the practical details of organizing the test... But from a distance, I didn't miss a single moment of the discussion. I understood that dictation would have to be done on the ground, on my knees. “Pants down and buttocks in the air” insisted the man! How cruel children at school can be to each other... The man should give instructions, examine the outfits, right down to his fingernails!

All in line! 

Finally, the bell that signaled the end of recess rang, and the man announced the start of the test. Olivia would be the general supervisor... He invited the spectators to denounce any inappropriate behavior, or any violation of the rules. As I had feared, the punishments would be administered by…Miss Kassandra! I started to sweat...
Mademoiselle arranged the participants (there were six of us) standing in three columns of two. Then, as I expected, we were made to take down our pants and expose our butts.
But the class included some strong faces, whose indiscipline competed with impertinence. They seemed much more accustomed to the exercise than me (which was not very difficult), and absolutely not afraid of sanctions (quite the contrary…). One of these rascals was my neighbor on the right. So, he refused to lower his pants, arguing that it was very inconvenient. I naively believed him, until he finally complied under Mademoiselle's now more authoritarian orders. We then discovered, under these pants, a suspender belt, a pair of stockings, and lace panties... This whole scene was intended to be punished for disobedience, and to draw even more attention to his outfit. …
We then had to position ourselves on all fours, butts in the air.
And the dictation began. In addition to the precarious position, the operation was made complicated by the darkness. Mademoiselle dictated very quickly, and the text was difficult:

The dictation 

As they randomly followed a path in the forest, they arrived at a crossroads where the path was divided, like a swan's leg, into three spaced rays. In such a place Oedipus killed his father.
In the middle of the crossroads stood a marble hermaphrodite, ithyphallic and naked. Rhea, who never passed in front of a divine image without making an offering to it, hung her crown of ivy on the phallus, and murmured the invocation.
A mirror and a caduceus were carved on the base. Below we read these verses, engraved in large hollow letters:
“Son of Hermes, protect solitary travelers. Sons of Aphrodite, choose their bed companions. »
The test was disrupted by Olivia, equipped with a stick and who, passing through the ranks, took great pleasure in distracting the students. Several times, she came and pointed her cane directly at my anus. She also pushed me around, preventing me from writing at times.
I had a lot of trouble, especially as I had difficulty hearing Mademoiselle, who was placed behind us (what a view she must have had!), and who rarely repeated her sentences. In addition, there was a lot of noise, between the somewhat dissipated students and the public who tried to disturb us by multiplying comments, or by distorting the text. One of the students (the one behind me I think) also spent his time throwing paper balls.


But the ordeal ended, and I managed to write the last words at the last minute before Olivia picked up the copies. We then had to wait like this, ass in the air, during the entire correction. But the students who were to be punished for impertinence were called. The one who had thrown the balls (at least I think it was him, because we had to keep our heads on the ground) had to place himself across the knees of Miss Kassandra, who administered an interminable spanking, using all the tricks to continually extend it. She forced him to count, but accelerated the pace so much that it was almost impossible for him to keep up. Or she suddenly increased the power of her blows so much that he lost count for a fraction of a second, which was enough to justify starting again. The student was still acting a little smart at first, but it didn't last more than 30 seconds. Very quickly, it seemed obvious that he wanted things to stop, and from then on he tried to count without error, so that the spanking would stop. But inevitably, Miss Kassandra asked him to start from scratch. At first, she made him start again after about fifteen or twenty strokes. And then further and further. I don't remember how many sets of 50 strokes he received before she finally let him count to 100! The session lasted a good five minutes, at a very brisk pace, and the student was no longer proud at all when he took his place again.
During this time, at one point, I felt a contact on my kidneys that I did not immediately identify. Then I realized that Olivia was writing something there...
When the copies were corrected, we had to place our hands behind our heads, still on our knees.
The students were designated one after the other. Their number of mistakes was revealed, and they had to take a seat on Miss Kassandra's lap.
It was decided that a ratio of five strokes per fault would be applied. But here again, injustice and arbitrariness reigned, and the final number of strokes often had little to do with what was “due”. Thus, one of the students had to receive very few blows. But he not having taken the initiative to count, they followed one another endlessly, until he understood. My turn came. Madame told me my number of mistakes: four. So I had failed in my goal, and I wasn't proud of myself...
Besides, a little later, Mademoiselle came to see me and said:
—So, O, what happened? What will Madam say?
— She will be disappointed Mademoiselle, I know it
It appears that the best student in the class only made one mistake, which seems to me to be a pretty exceptional performance in this context.

O's punishment

Once my grade was announced, I got up, not without some apprehension, to go receive my punishment, which in theory was to be limited to 20 strokes.
I took a position across Miss Kassandra's knees, and in doing so exposed my posterior to the audience. The inscription on my kidneys then became visible to everyone. Some people started laughing when they discovered it, and read it out loud: “DUNCER”! I admit that I expected worse. In this case, the qualifier was not usurped, and justified my correction...
I had received very few spankings until then, but from the first blows, I understood that I was dealing with a very particular "quality" of spanking, and the heat came very quickly, followed closely by the burning sensation. I of course counted carefully, trying not to provide the slightest excuse to start again, and ultimately reached the end without incident. But the man who was assisting the dictation noticed that I had forgotten to thank Miss Kassandra at the end, and decided that it all had to start again. I should now not only count, but also say “Thank you Madam” between each stroke. I executed it without fail, gritting my teeth, and the second series was validated.
I was able to return to my seat, my buttocks red…
One of my classmates (the one who was the most mischievous), had pulled up his pants after his punishment, and I did the same and sat down on a beanbag. It was bad for me! When Mademoiselle saw me, she pointed this out to me, and as I tried (cowardly, I must admit) to justify myself by the fact that my comrade had done the same, she asked me in a voice dry:
— Are the students giving the instructions now?
So I quickly found my position on my knees, pants down and buttocks in the air. Waiting in this position ended up being trying.

Daniel the impertinent

Daniel was installed in the same position, next to me. Looking at him, Mademoiselle ordered her thighs to be spread. I wasn't sure if this order was just for him, and if in doubt, I complied as well.
She noticed that the situation seemed to excite Daniel, which upset her. She made him come closer, so that Miss Kassandra could see for herself the object of the crime.
“We have to whip this,” she said.
“That might excite him even more,” said Mademoiselle.
— Maybe if we played golf or marbles, that would calm him down...
Daniel smiled, not really seeming to understand what this was about.
- On the back ! Miss Kassandra ordered. Spread the legs !
Daniel was still obviously delighted to be the object of Mademoiselle and Miss Kassandra's attention.
The latter then grabbed a whip and, standing next to him, legs apart and arms outstretched, in a perfect golfer's movement, struck (with measured force) Daniel's purses, who let out a little cry , both surprise and pain.
- Not moving ! She ordered as Daniel instinctively cowered under the impact
She repeated her movement several times, each time making Daniel cry out. Mademoiselle was very amused by this new version of golf that she seemed to discover.
— He doesn't seem to like it... Perhaps he would prefer that we play marbles? Miss Kassandra asked.
She knelt down next to Daniel and, folding her middle finger against her thumb as one does when playing marbles, flicked his testicle, which instantly provoked a cry more sonorous than before, and disordered movements. On the other side of Daniel, Mademoiselle quickly joins her. Everyone played with their “marble” and flicked each other at a steady pace.
— Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch, cried Daniel, squirming without being able to catch his breath
The remedy, although short-lived, apparently proved effective, as Daniel was now clearly "calmed down." And Mademoiselle, satisfied with this result, sent him back to his place.


“And now it’s time for the recitation,” announced Mademoiselle. Who learned poetry?
And the most turbulent student raises his hand.
He then began to recite, always playfully, sometimes making pauses suggesting that he did not know what happened next, or using an ironic and playful tone. And then, in a final provocation, in the last line, instead of saying “ screw the sonnet, what do you think?” ", he says " fuck the Mistress, what do you think? ". He clearly asked for punishment, and as you can imagine, his wish was quickly granted, again by the expert hand of Miss Kassandra...
I myself had made the effort to learn the poem by heart. I knew it well (and moreover, I had taken advantage of the long wait which had preceded the dictation to go over it mentally several times).
But I knew that if I had to recite it in front of everyone, I would lose my temper, stumble and be punished. And unlike my little friend, this prospect worried me. Besides, it was already late, and I didn't have much time left. So I finally decided to remain silent…
I who naively thought I would escape being spanked through this cowardice, it was she who ruined me. Because, full of generous attention, Miss Calamity and Miss Kassandra decided that having been the wisest, I deserved a legitimate reward. And Mademoiselle asked me with a smile to go sit on the spanking bench, where Miss Kassandra would reward me with her good offices...
I was torn between amusement at the undeniable irony of the situation, and fear of what awaited me.
With surprising gentleness, Miss Kassandra asked me to get into position. I told him how impressed I was by his performance during his demonstration in the club the month before. And I confessed to him my apprehension, given my inexperience, and the power of his hand. She told me that she would then be satisfied with around fifty blows. And she did so, with perfect gradation of force. Things started slowly (well, everything is relative because the impacts were still strong, dry and sharp), and ended with burning blows that made me finish the count by shouting the last numbers. My bottom was literally on fire. I am aware that this testimony will make regulars smile…
Mademoiselle was surprised at our rapid return, and Miss Kassandra told her that she had been deliberately moderate.
As the screams I heard in the distance testified to the games that were now taking place, I already had to leave, and I greeted Miss Calamity and DirtyVonP.
Madame M, in her great leniency, did not hold me too harsh on my poor performance in this first exam...