The agenda of the Kinky Club in Aix en Pce

The Kinky Club organizes workshops, private parties and Munch every month in Aix en Provence.

Find all our events here!

Whip workshop with Boris Mosafir in Aix en Pce on April 12, 2019

On the program: - The different types of flogging - Practice and posture - Hold your whip, choose the right force, the right movement - Practice with a...

Shibari lessons with Melle Calamity

Shibari or Kinbaku in its traditional version is an aesthetic and intense practice. The placement of the ropes, the tension, the safety rules, the particularities...

The Kinky Club Munches in Aix en Provence

With the idea of ​​promoting fetish/BDSM culture and uniting the Paca community, the KinkyClub invites you to its Munchs. Unlike in...

Private Munch & Play at Miss Calamity's

We are pleased to welcome you for a series of private Munch&Plays in the South. What is this ? 1) Munch: meeting during...